Tuesday, 15 October 2013
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Author: Maulana Altaf Husain Hali
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Gulistan-e-Saadi in pdf
Gulistan-e-saadi is one of the most famous book of Tassawuf, this book is written by Sheikh Saadi Sherazi. Bostan-e-Saadi is another famous book of Saadi. Here you can Download Gulistan-e-saadi free in pdf
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Gulistan-e-Saadi in pdf,
Urdu Books
Punjab, Pakistan
Most interesting poem by Edmund Spenser
Most glorious
lord of lyfe! That, on this day,
Didst make
thy triumph over death and sin;
And ,
having harrowd hell, didst bring away
captive , us to
win :
This joyous
day, deare lord, with joy begin;
And grant
that we, for whom thou diddest dye,
Being with
the deare blood clene washt from sin,
May live
for ever in felicity!
And that
the love we weighing worthily,
May likewise
love thee for the same againe;
And for
thy sake, that all lyke deare didst buy,
With love
may one another entertayne !
So let
us love, deare love, like as we ought,
Love is
the lesson which the lord us taught.
(Edmund spenser)
Thoughts of Johnny Depp
Quotes by Johnny depp
Quotes of John keats
History of the formulation of cell theory
History of the
formulation of cell theory
In the history of biology, ancient Greeks were
the first who organized the data of natural world. Aristotle presented the idea that all animals and plants are
somehow related. Later this idea gave to questions like “is there a
fundamental unit of structure shared by all organism?”. But before microscope
s were first used in 17th century, no one knew with certainly that
living organisms do share a fundamental unit i.e.cell.
Cells were first described by a British
scientist, Robert Hooke in 1665.
He used his self-made light microscope to examine a thin slice of cork. Hooke
observed a “honeycomb” of tiny empty compartments. He called the compartments
in cork as cellulae. The first living cells were observed a few year later by
Dutch naturalist Antonie Van
Leeuwenhoek. He observed tiny organism under his microscope and called
them as “animalcules”.
For any other century and a half, the general
importance of cells was not appreciated by biologists. In 1809, Jean Baptist De-Lamarck proposed that
“no body can have life if its parts are not cellular tissues or are not
formed by cellular tissues. In 1831, a British botanist Robert Brown discovered nucleus in the cell. In 1838, a German
botanist Matthias Schleiden studied plant tissues and
made the first statement of cell theory. He stated that all plants are
aggregates of individual cells which are fully independent. One year later, a
German Zoologist, Theodor Schwann
reported that all animal tissues are also composed of individual cells.. Schleiden and Schwann proposed cell theory in its initial form.
In 1855 Rudolf
Virchow, a German Physician, proposed an important extension of cell
theory. He proposed that all living cells arise from pre-existing cells. In
1862, Louis Pasteur provided
experimental proof of this idea.
Sunan Abu Daood 3 volume in pdf Download
Sunan Abu Daood is written by Imam Abu Daood Suleman Bin Ashaat Sajastani and trnslated into urdu by Fazil-e-Shaheer maulana Abdu-Hakeem khan Akhtar. tou will download full book sunan abu daood in 3 volumes.
Sunan Ibn-e-Majah 3 volumes in pdf Download
Sunan ibn-e-Majah is written by Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Yazeed ibn-e-majah Al-rabai Al-Kazweeni and translated into urdu by Fazil-e-Shaheer maulana Abdu-Hakeem khan Akhtar. You will download full book in 3 volumes.
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Sunan nisai is written by Imam abu Abd-ul-Rehman Ahmad bin Shoaib Nisai and translated in urdu by Maulana Khursheed Hassan Qasmi. Here you will Download Full Book in 3 volumes.
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Sahih Muslim Volume 1 to 6 in pdf Download
Sahih Muslim is written by Imam Abu-al-Hassan bin Alhijaj and is translated in Urdu by Allama Ghulam Rasool Saeed. Here you will download 1 to 6 volumes of this book.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 1 to 8 in pdf Downloads
Sahih Bukhari is written by Imam Abu Abdulah Muhammad bin Ismail and is translated in Urdu by hafiz abdul shar-ul-khumaad. Here you will download 8 volumes of Sahih Bukhari in pdf.
The COOK Poem by Geoffrey Chaucer
guildmen had their own COOK with them for their journey, to boil their
chicken and marrow bone with seasoning powder, sweet root, and sharp spice.
In judging London Ale his taste was nice. He knew very well how to roast and
broil and fry, to mix a stew, and bake a good meat pie,or prepare fish or
chicken pudding with almond, rice and egg. It is a great pity that he had a
cancerous ulcer on his leg.
THE Poem Of Cook in middle english
A COOK they hadde with hem for the nones,
To boille the chiknes with the marybones,
And poudre-marchant tart, and galingale.
Wel koude he know a draughte of London
He koude rooste, and seethe, and boille,
and frye,
Maken mortreux, and wel bake a pye.
But great harm was it, as it thought me,
That on his shyne a mormal hadde he,
For blankmanger, that made he with the
Geoffrey Chaucer
The COOK Poem by Geoffrey Chaucer
Punjab, Pakistan
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